I was talking to a friend at work today on my lunch break (not that I don't talk to people when I'm supposed to be working too), and she asked if I hang out with anyone in my class. Her class does stuff all the time, their like an extended family. Let's not even get into that....
Anyway, on to business, most of my posts are likely gonna be about movies I've seen recently since I don't really have anything to talk about.
One quick sidebar though, a hearty salute is in order for one Andrew "Test" Martin who unexpectedly passed away during the last couple days. I wasn't a big fan of his (no, not one of his "testicles", he was doin a gimmick trying to get the fans to like him and was told by stacy keibler to say in a promo: I love my testicles, on live tv.) You never want to hear about wrestlers, or anyone for that matter I suppose, dying before they should at a young age.
Two quick movie reviews, you don't want this to be too long.
Watchmen: The book is a good read and the movie is a good watch and at the end of the day, both are still pretty awesome. Sure there's differences in between the two, some small, some bigger. and yes the giant squid monster is far cooler (which really isn't much a spoiler calm down) but I can understand how it wouldn't have worked. How they did it instead works better from a storyline perspective. It's got good action, an engaging story, some very nice cinematography and pretty good music. Don't let the length (clocking in at 2 1/2 hours) or the male nudity (probably the worst case of blue balls in the history of mankind. anybody? no? wasn't funny? ok.) keep you from seeing this movie.
I can't really describe what it is about this movie that I liked. I like to compare it to Twilight even though beyond both having vampires, they have no nothing in common and there's no comparison. It's like comparing Neil Young to Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance. Let the Right One, in a way, accomplishes what Twilight set out and tried to do. It's an unconventional love story, involving vampires and social issues.
Anyway, the two become friends and she teaches him how to stand up to the bullies. As bodies start piling up tho, it soons becomes apparent that the current situation, as it stands right now, can not last.
Technically, I thought it was really well done. The acting of the two leads was great, the atmosphere set by the exterior shots of a cold, snowy sweden was slightly unnerving and shot well. The climax includes a shot underwater that is just ridiculously awesome. loved it.
It's not a movie for everyone, it's deliberately slow paced and more focused on story and character development than flashy vampires with capes and protruding fangs. Who knows, you may enjoy it though.