This is one of the strangest damn movies I've ever seen.
This isn't an in depth review, not that any of mine are, but nevertheless we shall soldier on.
Despite the fact that I didn't have a hot clue what the hell was going on in the movie I highly recommend it. You aren't gonna see an interpretation like this of Alice in Wonderland ever again. It's oddly interesting.
The movie is black and white and from 1966 which isn't hard to see. Just the way the story weaves and plays out makes you think, on more than one occasion, jonathon millar and those involved in making it were likely out of their tree when filming it and thusly you should probly be the same way when watching it.
The acting is well done, in an understated way for the most part except for the performances of Peter Sellers and Peter Cook of course. The use of sound is a high point of the film both music and background noise as well as the dialogue and voice over providing a complete experience.
I don't imagine you would find it in stores and it's a little bit of a search online to find it since there's so many versions of Alice in Wonderland but if you're interested it's worth the time.