While listening to new Deftones
and watching Frasier.
I'm well into my first week of practicum in Cranbrook at B104 and The Drive. I've been doin some production with jana, putting ads and what not together. Did a little copy yesterday. Editing down spots, re-writing them for clarity etc. Today I was at McDonalds for 5 hours at a remote for McHappy Day. I didn't get to do any cut-ins just watching everything that was happening and talking to the guy about radio. I did listen to a half-hour discussion with Jeff, the guy from the radio station I was there with, and a guy from the Kootenay Ice hockey team about why the world's finances are in such disarray and why the world sucks and various conspiracy theory like things. Not that I necessarily disagreed with him about stuff but he certainly didn't look like Jeff Parrott. Doing another remote on saturday. Don't know what it is though. Hopefully I get to do some on-air stuff at some point, I imagine I would.
Just trying to be friendly, smile, talk and get along with people there.
The res is ok I guess. Had a bbq tonight so got free drinks and food. Really good burgers. I don't really have anything in common with the other people who live in the pod with me but we get along ok, don't really talk. Got cable tv, share wireless internet. Food isn't a problem as of yet. I haven't done laundry yet but I probly should be doing that in the next few days. Little weary and nervous about that.
Cranbrook seems alright, sort of like Brandon. Still trying to find my way around. The street set-up isn't exactly the simplest. I miss turns a lot and don't know where stuff is. Kinda boring but then I don't know what to do here and don't know anyone. Certainly don't have any crazy partially-alcoholic zellers people to drink with and complain about work. Of course maybe there is, I don't know any of the zellers employees here naturally. I was talking with one of the teenage cashiers the only day about bitchy annoying old people who come in. Yes there actually is a zellers here, didn't think there would be. For a city of only like 20, 000 people they have a lot of stores. Wal-mart, Superstore, Save-On Foods, other box stores on home decor and hardware and what not that i don't go into lol. No major music store that I've seen but they do have a coles. I ordered myself Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green when I got into town last weekend. Great author, check out some his books at the local library or head to youtube.com/vlogbrothers.
My friend Chelsea, one of my three readers, did a blog the other day featuring a great short story she wrote about attitude. Obviously, attitude is extremely important and it doesn't hurt to always try to smile and have a friendly good attitude even if you're getting shit on.
Now clearly anyone who has lived at all, which is just about anyone who would be reading this, knows that's easier said than done. Doing it for like a few hours or a day is easy but doing it consistently is quite difficult. Especially if you're lacking in confidence and a depressive person like myself. One girl I worked with at zellers was constantly smiling and chipper and friendly, had a happy attitude. I don't know how she did it. Of course she could be quite a boozer, perhaps that's it? hahaha. I miss people work people in Brandon, even though I wasn't really sure if we were friends or not. Anyway, I've tried the whole thinking positively/being friendly thing and I couldn't really keep it up. I'll usually do my best attempt of it when I meet people but it craps out at some point. I have a bit of complex for people for getting annoyed and tired of me.
That's about all I can think of on that...

in other news;
Stephen Harper is making another attempt at screwing everyone over in a way that's trying to be helpful while trying to trick people into thinking he cares about arts or culture or entertainment in canada when he really doesn't and tries to kill it every instance he gets. You can google the story or look at the article on CBC's website:
So yeh, he wants to make it more like the US where random people get sued for copyright infringement in order to be made an example of for things like downloading or software piracy. Or sharing the same copy of something in schools for educational purposes.
THEIR LEARNING, THAT'S COPYRIGHTED! (how lame is it that I don't know how to centre things on here.)
Clearly they haven't read this article either:
They really throw out a lot of fear mongering about how much of a negative impact it's had. READ IT.
Random Thoughts...
- Deftones new album is pretty wicked, I recommend you check it out. Hopefully Chi gets better soon from that car accident. Deftones are a part of a ridiculously unbelievable tour I wish I could go to. Called the Black Diamond Skye Tour, it features Alice in Chains, Mastodon and the Deftones all under one roof on the same show. That would be a crazy amazing show.
- Tool is finally coming to Winnipeg! and I can't go to it! I'm quite annoyed and upset at this. Not so much because I'm in Cranbrook but b/c I don't have money for it anyway.
- Star Wars Ep. 2 is way way too long. I stayed in Lethbridge one night on my journey out west (that strangely did not involve any journey...hmm) and spent my evening in the hotel room watching a stars wars marathon. Seriously, attack of the clones is like 3 1/2 hours long. and Hayden Christenson is just annoying.
2 Days of Note
May 10th is International Monty Python Status Day. Put a one-liner from any of their various bodies of work as your facebook status.
May 21st, Join the T-Party.. as in the Mr. T Party. Wear your chains, watch some Clubber Lang or the A-Team, be sure to pity some fools tho. The people in the actual tea party are a good place to start.