Teaser trailer is out for Paranormal Activity 2.
BD Horror News - 'Paranormal' Teaser Too Scary for Theaters? Easter Eggs Hiding Within?
Apparently like 2 days after it came out, it got pulled outta a few theatres because it was frightening people. Few things tho:
1. It makes business sense and all but otherwise, why is it playing in front of Twilight? Not exactly the demographic their goin for with PA 2 I wouldn't think.
2. How amusing is it that it happened in Texas? Isn't that just perfectly appropriate?
3. Of course it's gonna get complaints and freak out parents and their clingy 14-year-old overweight daughters wearing pancake makeup. Who probably never even saw the first one. Again the demographic thing.
4. My feelings on Twilight are quite clear so I will just say this one thing. All good will and improved reviews and feelings toward Eclipse are the direct result of one and only one person- director David Slade. Dude makes good movies. Still no chance of me seeing Twilight anytime soon but if anyone could make it a halfway good movie it would be him. Check out awesome vampire flick 30 Days of Night or disturbing Ellen Page revenge movie Hard Candy if you don't know him.
The teaser looks solid but make no mistake, there is no possible way- short of some crazy black magic that will cause a tear in the space-time continuum- for PA 2 to be as incredible as the first one. The first one exploded based on good marketing and massive word of mouth. The sequel doesn't have that, it doesn't have the originality and it just can't have the same spark to it. I'm still gonna see it, although I'll more than likely see Saw VII 3D first. The two of them battling it out, opening on the same day is kinda pointless but it's still interesting nonetheless. Especially from a business stand point, it's not good. It just splits the audience and neither movie will open to as big of a box office as it could have.
I really hope Saw does well. The sixth one last year was a good movie. I enjoyed no. 5 but many people weren't pleased so the sixth one was sort of a return to form and it placated the majority of people. It's just unfortunate that it was overshadowed by Paranormal Activity. Plus the fact that many people don't think for themselves. They'll listen to what 'critics' and other people say and be sheep rather than tryin to ignite any sort of electrical action in their frontal lobe. Saw 5 was unpopular- and the Saw series in general is looked down upon, it's like the Simpsons of the horror world- and so nobody thought 6 would be any good. Regardless of if there is another edition to the series next year, it'd be nice for this one to do well. Otherwise you just get people bitching on their blogs like they're frackin geniuses about how there were too many movies and it went to long and the quality went down. (he says un-ironically :P)
Anyways, I put off writing this for like a week because I tend to procrastinate a lot. So thusly, there's maybe not quite the level of bile and rhetoric that there would've been otherwise.
Something cool and completely nerdy coming up this weekend July 9-11 in LA is Vidcon. It's a big gathering and weekend conference of Youtube celebrities and fans the world over who spend countless hours watching them. There's gonna be speakers, actual youtube employees attending, concerts by famed youtube musicians and a big dance party happening. Yes I am that a big geek. I don't consider myself cool or smart enough to be a nerd. Part of the plan as well is to do a live stream of the whole event which I'm gonna try and watch some of if they get that to work.
K nerd time over. Bye.