Marijuana should be decriminalized, I don't see a problem with that. How can you disagree with Willie Nelson? ha ha. 4.5 million Canadians endulged in 2004 according to Statistics Canada and according to MP Keith Martin, the government would save $150 million in court costs each year if they went forward with legalizing it to a degree.
"Scientific evidence overwhelmingly indicates that cannabis is substantially less harmful than alcohol and should be treated not as a criminal issue but as a social and public health issue." That quote is from Senator Pierre Claude Nolin in 2002 when the Senate Committee on Illegal Drugs released its final report. He also thinks anyone convicted of possession should have their records wiped clean. I completely agree with that. 600,000 Canadians have a criminal record because of marijuana possession according to Justice Canada. Why? What is the point of having a criminal record for that. It unfairly constricts people in things they could possibly do and jobs they could possibly get.
When I lived in Winnipeg, one of my roommates was a big pot head. He and his friends would be over regularly hanging out and toking up. And there was nothing wrong with them. I got to know them a little, partied with them on different occasions and they're just normal people. It's not like just because they do a lot of weed they're hardcore drug users who are gonna beat you up if you come across them. Bottom line, they were cool people, I miss seeing them. good times lol.
Prohibition really doesn't work. You can see that from the amount of people who don't care that marijuana is illegal and do it anyway. Attempts at the prohibition of alcohol were just as succesful. If it's outright banned, that makes people want to do more. If it was decriminalized, it wouldn't be as much of an issue. In response to people who claim that it would lead to calls for other drugs to be decriminalized and the downfall of society, get a grip. The same things are said about alcohol and it's not to illegal to drink. The same things are said about sex and the kinky add-ons there in. One thing doesn't necessarily lead to another.
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1 comment:
Amen to that brotha!!!
Do you know how much money the government receives in TAXES from tobacco and alcohol??? Let's just say... A LOT. Add weed onto that and the govn't is making a killing! They'd be dumb not to legalize it.
Smoking weed occasionally, just like having the occasional glass of wine at dinner, or beer in the summer is no big deal.
And we haven't even covered the medicinal reasons why everyone should be allowed to possess and consume weed.
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