Chelsea made the joke that I should do a blog 6 hours after reading her comment, so that's what I'm doing. Exactly 6 hours right now as I write this, listening to Drowning Pool's new live album. I've had two opportunities to see them in Winnipeg, even got my ticket to the most recent show but I wasn't able to go either time.
Anyway, without going on a rant, I thought I would say a word or two about professionalism. I'm not popular, I'm used to it but that really isn't (at least shouldn't) be important in terms of work that needs to done. I can get along and be fake with people, all I really care about it is that you get your end done. Being busy isn't really an excuse, you can be a diva and piss and moan all you want but at the end of the day it still needs to be done.
Item 2: The newest remakes have been announced. Total Recall and The Neverending Story. I liked Total Recall, it's a great cheesy Arnold movie but I don't think it really needs to be remade. Likewise, I'm not a huge fan of The Neverending Story but I don't really see it as something that needs to be remade either. Of course, I think most people, other than movie execs trying to make money and not having better ideas, would agree that generally most remakes aren't really necessary.
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I feel as though I should comment on this...
My comment is: Do go on about your professionalism rant. I'd like to hear it.
that's basically it. I'm just annoyed with a particular blonde in our class who never co-operates when we have to do a news story. Which only happens with me. You don't have to like who you work with but don't screw around with me. very unprofessional. I doubt CBC would put up with that. She knows she's the talented person in the class and definitely acts like it.
top notch dude. I think in your situation there is no excuse for people around you to act unprofessional. You're all there to learn your craft and take the best things away from your time (and Money) invested.
I was speaking with Phil Aubrey this evening. Just chit-chat about radio and such. Anyway, we got down to brass tacks, talking about my old demos I sent and sending him some new one's. But his direct quote was "Hey, I'm not the most tallented guy in the world, but I love radio and give a damn, thats what you and I have in common Maxwell. PDs love guys like you and I because honestly we're in short supply.
This relates to you because you work hard. this blond can have all the talent in the world, but if she doesn't work hard and respect her co-workers then she won't amount to anything.
This is true in my line of work. I can't comment on yours, but I suspect its the same. Chelsea would be more qualified to comment on such
On day one of my job I sat down with boss-man and he said "This job is three parts enthusiasm, one part skill, If you're here to learn and do it well, we can give you the skills."
So even though it sometimes sucks balls to smile, be positive, and get chit-chatty with everyone, you gotta do it. Maxwell has it exactly right when he talked about giving a damn. Wanting to be there and doing your job well while smiling puts you miles ahead of the competition.
Nobody likes a whiner. Today at work a producer had a bit of a hissy over a spot he had to do and this caused all sorts of strife in the workplace and ended up going to the boss-man having to say "Do your damn job. You're not in a place to say whether this spot is worth your time, and the station's time, to complain over."
Forget about the blonde and work with other folks. For every one person who won't do a job you can generally find two people who will.
The CBC is FILLED with unprofessionalism!!!!
Everybody gossips about everybody! The camera crew and editors get together and gossip about the reporters and the news desk. The reporters gossip about the editors and camera crew.
There's a lot of stuff said behind other people's backs, name calling, insults...
It's not uncommon to hear somebody else get called a cunt or an idiot behind their back.
AND, a lot of people here are lazy and try to pass the buck on to somebody else. I have heard people openly complain about not wanting to shoot something, not wanting to work with a certain editor, or reporter, or camera person.
It can get pretty bad.
that's pretty sad and perhaps indicative of whats wrong with CBC. Everyone passes the buck so everyone looks like a dumb-ass. It's sad really.
Brett, be positive, I've been telling you that for years dude. You always talk about the things you can't do when in reality most of those things you CAN do but only at an acceptable levels.
So instead (For example) of saying "I can't cut news stories together" say "I'm not the best at cutting news stories but I'll give it a shot...but I may need some help". By saying that you've conveyed a positive message with a can-do attitude. Also, you made it clear you're no master of the tape and that you may need assistance.
The last part is important because when/if you do need assistance no one will be mad, or frustrated.
Remember "There are no bad questions only bad writs shots".
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