So I've meaning to write a new blog for awhile now but I haven't really been in a very good mood, I've been kinda depressed in terms of school and my progress and future plans and career possibilities. I could never really think of the right words to accurately describe how i was feeling so it never got written (i know, really too bad, i know people were just dying to read about it.) I really felt as if my skills weren't at the level they should be after being in school for 2 years. That coupled with the fact that I'm really thinking going back again in the fall for communications is a terrible idea. I had asked Diane before when I was thinking about it and she didn't think I should do it.
Here's something I don't get about swine flu. With mad cow disease, people were concerned about the safety of beef. With listeriosis, people were concerned about sandwich meat. I haven't heard anyone talking about being careful eating pork and ham and so forth. Perhaps that just has nothing to do it and "swine flu" is just a colourful name that they gave to it for one reason or another.
Moving on to a series of short reviews for movies i've seen recently....

Martyrs: This movie I'd been hearing nothing but good things about for the better part of a year before it came out and I had the opportunity to see it. It's the latest of a string of ridiculously violent/bloody French horror movies that have come out the last 2 years or so.
It's hard to describe what the movie is about without spoiling certain things about it as what it's about changes part way throughout it. How we start off, is with a girl who was kidnapped and abused when she was young finding the house of who she believes was responsible. Now like I said, it's very violent and very bloody however it does make you think. I liked the movie but it's quite difficult to describe how you feel after you've seen it. The movie grows and evolves through the duration and just gets increasingly more uncomfortable to watch that by the time the final twist happens and it's over, you just don't know what to think. Which kind of brings me back to my point i made earlier. There are several twists in the movie that happen abruptly and with no warning and just when you think you know where things are headed, it flips around. If you're squeamish, don't see it, absolutely don't see it. Or if you don't like horror movies or subtitles. Otherwise, strap yourself in and see it.

Seven (a.k.a Se7en): I just watched this for the first time b/c I had heard a lot about it and it is really good. It features Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman tracking down a serial killer who prays on people he sees as representative of the 7 Deadly Sins. It's gripping, entertaining, well-written, well-acted, very well done. Now of course I love bloody, gory movies, but this is a perfect example of suspenseful horror that works despite having little to no blood. There are only a few scenes in it really that are kinda gross and disturbing but for the most part all of the dastardly deeds are either briefly shown or just hinted at as to what happened. One of the deaths isn't even shown at all and there's basically nothing given for you to even guess at what happened. I'm not sure I enjoyed the ending, could have possibly been stronger but I suppose it works with the plot. Go see it.

Rob Zombie's Halloween: With a lot of promotion going on right now for Rob's sequel H2 I thought I'd check out the the first one. I hadn't heard good things about it really and after watching it they are all valid. Half of the movie is new focusing on his childhood and growing up and the other half is almost a shot for shot remake of the original. The re-imagining of the start is interesting showing his broken home and life but it also kinda hints that he's always been crazy to begin with so was it really his family life that did it? It's not as good as the original but I still I liked it and would say it's worth renting and checking out.

The Wrestler: incredible. That's always I can say, absolutely incredible. Slumdog Millionaire my ass.
Swine flu has nothing to do with pork at all. However, the term swine flu is hurting the pork industry incredibly right now. The talk is that the media is going to stop calling it the swine fly and start calling it the "H1N1 virus". H1N1 is it's technical name.
As for your skills. I think it's something that you need to continue to work at. Not everyone is great at that stuff. But if you consistently work at it you WILL get better. If Diann doesn't think you should come back maybe you should consider a course or something else where. Something that you could work at your current skills and polish them up further.
Good blog though, I'm still jealous of your writing style
The greatest thing you can think about yourself when you graduate from college is that you suck! Because, by comparison, you will. But repetition makes perfect and the more you do it the better you get at it.
Though I agree, after I left college I thought for sure I hadn't gotten enough exposure and experience doing camera work and editing. A third year really would help take the edge off I think. The one extra year of practice to make things more polished and what not.
Who cares what Diane thinks? If you don't get a job out of practicum, go ahead and take a third year! She can't stop you!
If you think you suck you probably do. But at least then you know how you can improve yourself.
One of the biggest problems I've found in the workplace is that it's filled with people who don't want to tell you how awful you are.
If you're lucky you'll get placed in practicum and have someone ripping on your so you know how to improve, and can work on it.
But remember to give as good as you get, nobody likes a sponge who just takes shit all the time.
As for another year of school, you might do jsut as well to spend the money on making a home studio to work on stuff on your own. So long as you have a certificate saying "I went to school and passed" you can pretty put whatever you like on your resume so long as you can back it up.
If you had a home studio you could work pre-producing a radio programme for play on CJ106 or something. That way you pick up your on-air, producing, directing, and writing skills. All of which are valuable assets.
I forgot where I was going with this, but good luck with your practicum!
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