So I got moved to a different place. Got everything mainly put away and set up. I like being able to walk home from the bar, one of the bars at least. more convenient than cab's. It's an unfortunate end to my TV streak. None of the places I've lived the last few years since moving out of my parents house (and then in again and then out again) have I had to pay for TV, the landlord did it. Not here tho, part of the rent, sat tv on an old as the hills television. Not set up right though. The channels only randomly work, you gotta fight with it a little and use work arounds to get them to work. I suppose it's good it works at all at least and I've got a good assortment of channels. I haven't got internet set up yet, they have wireless and there's an issue with the router upstairs so if i didn't have tv I don't know what I would do.
Still workin at the practicum, got like 3 weeks left. It's an odd life, I, literally, watch TV all day. Did get to go on some news shoots at least. Went around to an accident site, looked like a fairly nasty bash. As well as covering a sad guilt trip story at the samaritan house about the amount of food they brought in from an event they had over the weekend and it was all we got this much in but this much is needed. So many people use this service and it was depressing lol. I don't know how that sort of thing really works but I do worry about working and getting a job, providing for myself. It's weird seeing the few people from class that are still here at things like these or around work. People are pretty friendly though, striking up conversations and asking how things are going.
Is it weird going to a 18th birthday thing for a high school girl that I used to work with at zellers but haven't talked to in 6 months? I got an invite on fb but, ya know, it's one of those things where like she's just inviting everyone on her friend list now matter where their from or how old they are. The whole thing overall seems a mite strange too. It's at houstons on a wednesday night, starting early at like 6, seemingly being on by her parents. I'm not sure whether I'm interesting in goin or not or if it'd be too awkward since I would know maybe 2 people there, one of which I don't particularly get along with well.
Moving on to this editions movie, I could do more than one as I usually do but I don't really remember what I've seen lately so I'll just talk a bit about a movie I finally got around to seeing last night which I had been anticipating:
Put quite simply, this movie didn't disappoint. I had been reading a lot about it on bloody-disgusting.com and there was a lot of positive buzz around it. Ellen Page was originally scheduled to star in this but then decided the role wasn't for her and dropped out. Alison Lohman is great in the role of Christine but it's interesting to think of how it would of been with Kitty Pryde/Juno.
This movie is pretty damn scary. Like geniunely scary. Not just cats jumping on screen all of a sudden or sharp loud noises like in lame teen horror movies. Don't get me wrong, sound is an integral part of this effect of this movie but it's used very effectively in addition to other things. It starts out, you're thinking oh there was a noise, something's coming. oh more noise, it's getting louder, something's going to happen, and it keeps building and building and its getting louder and piling on more and more. k something's really happening here, ah the suspense, there's crazy shit going on on screen. then it finally happens, and yeh, it's all very well done. crazy scary and unsettling. Which is due in large part to the directing and editing. Sam Raimi is a fantastic director and Bob Murowski does an amazing job of editing. I highly recommend this movie.
Also check out: Marilyn Manson's new album "The High End of Low", it's different from a lot of stuff he's done, has a very glam rock sort of feel to it.
http://www.bloody-disgusting.com/news/16380 As well as, this unbelievable new trailer for REC 2, the sequel to the mind-blowing Spanish zombie type movie REC from a few years ago.
Figure this out though: The American remake of REC, Quarantine, was released last year. There already talking and working on a sequel to it. However, it's going to be an original idea separate from what the sequel to the original is about. WTF??
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