Sunday, August 2, 2009


This isn’t so much a news blog. I don’t discuss current events or debate politics really with people but I thought I would mention a few things. Is now really the best time for the republicans to be coming up with stupid ideas to try and trash Obama with the in the condition it is? They got the birthers making a fuss about how Obama shouldn’t be president because he wasn’t born in America and then you got a guy claiming Obama is racist. Now I’m not saying minorities can’t be racist but it seems like a stretch purely for the sake of publicity and creating a buzz. Do they really think that things would be different if McCain had won? Obama took over the presidency during a shitstorm and they claim he’s been a failure so far since he’s not fixing things fast enough? The one thing about these claims is at least they’re attempting to have some credibility. What the hell was the guy thinking that made a piss out of what condiments Obama puts on his fucking burger?

Now, I’ve been pondering self-help and trying to fix some issues I have for awhile. Perhaps that’s why I’ve been more down and depressed at times the last several months. I’m getting older (24 next month) and I’m not getting anywhere trying to improve myself (of course, I’m not actually doing anything, so that would likely help.) The thing I keep going back to is the idea that going for therapy to a psychiatrist or psychologist would help, which I’m not sure if it actually would or not. I’m sure he’d be able to give me good advice and find out the source of it and whatever but I have a problem with actually incorporating advice and the such. Psychiatrists you need to get a doctor referral first so you need to talk to them and go through a checkover first before possibly getting a creepy old guy. Psychologists you don’t need a referral but it’s not entirely covered under healthcare. Clearly I could use some help but how do you tell if you really need to go to this level though? My attempts the last few years have not been very fruitful. I can get along with most people but after living in Brandon for 2 years, I’ve only got 2 people I’d say I’m friends with.

Just for example. I was at a wedding in St. Ambroise this weekend. My friend Carissa, who lives in Portage, asked if I would be her date for her cousin’s wedding. Seems like a great situation for me eh? Travelling out in the boonies and being surrounded by people I don’t know, talking and socializing for long periods of time. We spent most of the day with her friend Shelby, and while I could’ve done better, I think I did ok just trying to be friendly and inviting, talking about whatever ya know; movies, her boyfriend, job, university. She didn’t hate me at least I don’t think. The reception got a little boring after a few hours. They were kinda drunk and tired and out polka dancing and what not with other people they knew. Wasn’t my crowd ya know, didn’t feel comfortable in there with them. So I watched the band play and sat by myself. Yes, pathetic I know.

So a bunch of people from the wedding and us were staying at this hunting lodge that’s this famous landmark or something and has been visited by lots of actors and wrestlers and famous people. It was kinda cool actually. Anyway, there was an after party there after the reception. I felt very awkward at this thing, like I said not my crowd of people. Kind of weird and slightly red neckish. Then the drama started, her friend was smashed and going on about needing to stay away from one guy there b/c he was so hot she couldn’t control herself (he's all popular, I think i'm cool type, not as hot as she thinks though.) Got a little hectic yes. All in All I think it went ok.

Another part of the self-help thing I’ve been trying to get into is connected with school. Since I’m taking communications for some reason in the fall, I wanted to do some voice practice and training. Now most self-help plans I have I usually never get around to doing (like when I was gonna start writing down at night 3 good things that happened during the day after reading an article in Reader’s Digest. I was thinking about what kind of stuff I could write down and kinda figured it would end up being the same things all the time. Perhaps that defeats the purpose or point of the exercise, maybe not.) I got an old script from the news show so I was gonna get one of those mini voice recorders and practice reading the script. Anyone know any other vocal things? I talked with Diane before about stuff I could do and she also mentioned about working on moving where I talk out of. Like shifting it more down farther in my diaphragm or whatever.

Now this is rather long but it’s not a blog of mine without some movie reviews.

Lucky Number Slevin: Loved it, very good crime thriller. Check it out.

Smokin’ Aces: If you like action movies, you need to see this adrenaline-infused flick. There is tons going on in it and it’s just a great entertaining movie with fantastic performances especially from Ryan Reynolds and Jeremy Piven. Now it’s strange to say about a movie with a bunch of assassins trying to kill a guy but it was actually a lot more violent and bloody than I expected it to be.

Labyrinth: This is one of those movies that you should see just to be able to say you saw it. 12-year-old Jennifer Connelly and David Bowie as the most ambiguous, metro-sexual, 80’s hair metal looking villain you have ever seen in a Disney movie. It’s an excellent retro movie, so I recommend seeing it if you’re into those.


Maxwell ! said...

Dude, it’s good to hear you’re thinking about self improvement. It’s something that EVERYONE needs to be mindful of. I know for myself I’ve had to deal with self doubt issues. I remember reading about Ric Flair when he felt his legacy was in question; he’d wake up at night and pinch his legs and slap himself because he was convinced he couldn’t feel anything, These were of course severe symptoms of his self doubt which disappeared once he knew he was still ‘The Man’. There have been times in my life when I’ve had similar issues, when I’ve questioned weather I’m as good as I think I am. It’s something I’ve worked through.

As for professional help, I think if it’s something you’re considering then you should go through with it. If it wasn’t a valid thought or avenue you wouldn’t have thought of it. Go to the doctor and get the referral so it is covered. Just don’t let them put you on anti-depressants.

You’ll be fine because you haven’t given up. Keep plugging away and you’ll do great dude. Of that I have no doubt.

Chelsea Ribbon said...

I totally agree about the Obama scandal! So dumb! They got a copy of his birth certificate and everything and the birthers are still in doubt and called it a fake.


When I was having a hard time with, well, life I guess, I went to a walk in counseling clinic. It was free. The session lasted an hour. By the end of it I felt really good about myself, like I had the strength to do something different with my life and change the things that needed changing.

I thought I'd need more sessions, but I found that the one session helped kick start me into gear and I haven't needed to go for a second one yet. That was well over a month ago. I've been feeling pretty good about myself.

I'd recommend trying something like that first. There's free counseling somewhere downtown on 7th street in Brandon. I was there a long time ago.

At the end they always give you a list of names and numbers to call with price listings blah blah blah if you want/need it.


I think writing down three good things about your day is a pretty good idea. (Even if they might be repetitive or sarcastic.) I'm going to try that. I'll tell you how it goes.