Thursday, June 9, 2011

New Demo

I've been working on updating my on-air demo. Got some new clips and switched out a couple of the old ones that I think weren't as good. One thing I was unsure about: the majority of the clips all have secondary audio clips for the punch line. I wasn't sure if it's a good idea to have a lot of that on there or not. I think it depends on the person probably, some like it and some don't think it works. I'd love to know what you think, so any comments you got let 'em fly. I'm also gonna put the old demo on their for comparison's sake.

Shiny New Awesome Demo-

First Demo-

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Radio clips

Here's a couple of shortened radio clips I've done recently. Workin on some new demo stuff, I'm not really sure what would work for demo stuff though so it's hard to say what is good and what isn't.

CD Innovator Dies

'Death' Metal

Ticketmaster Dynamic Pricing

The ticketmaster one there was two different parts I considered using. I thought the drug market comparison might be a little much so I had used a line I liked about using dirty business men trying to screw you (ticketmaster) over scalpers. Turning what would maybe be the usual perception of the two upside down. But it just didn't sound natural and just didn't have the right flow to it.