Thursday, June 2, 2011

Radio clips

Here's a couple of shortened radio clips I've done recently. Workin on some new demo stuff, I'm not really sure what would work for demo stuff though so it's hard to say what is good and what isn't.

CD Innovator Dies

'Death' Metal

Ticketmaster Dynamic Pricing

The ticketmaster one there was two different parts I considered using. I thought the drug market comparison might be a little much so I had used a line I liked about using dirty business men trying to screw you (ticketmaster) over scalpers. Turning what would maybe be the usual perception of the two upside down. But it just didn't sound natural and just didn't have the right flow to it.


Jake Hammell said...

Those are good, short, to the point on-air clips. They remind of those newspaper or news magazine shows where a commentator sums up a few news stories with a humorous anecdote. Good stuff, and if you wrote those they may actually be applicable to a writing job.

If I were a creative director, I would certainly take notice of the resume that came along with samples like that.

BC said...

thanks. Those I actually edited down, probably from a minute or more. My sets are always long I find. The ticketmaster one is from a longer rant I did but I mainly wrote it myself. The other ones I don't think I can really say I wrote them. I pulled some info and quotes out of news articles and added my own thoughts around them.